api.py 4.1 KB

  1. import numpy as np
  2. from fastapi import FastAPI, Body
  3. from fastapi.exceptions import HTTPException
  4. from PIL import Image
  5. import gradio as gr
  6. from modules.api.models import *
  7. from modules.api import api
  8. from scripts import external_code, global_state
  9. from scripts.processor import preprocessor_filters
  10. from scripts.logging import logger
  11. def encode_to_base64(image):
  12. if type(image) is str:
  13. return image
  14. elif type(image) is Image.Image:
  15. return api.encode_pil_to_base64(image)
  16. elif type(image) is np.ndarray:
  17. return encode_np_to_base64(image)
  18. else:
  19. return ""
  20. def encode_np_to_base64(image):
  21. pil = Image.fromarray(image)
  22. return api.encode_pil_to_base64(pil)
  23. def controlnet_api(_: gr.Blocks, app: FastAPI):
  24. @app.get("/controlnet/version")
  25. async def version():
  26. return {"version": external_code.get_api_version()}
  27. @app.get("/controlnet/model_list")
  28. async def model_list(update: bool = True):
  29. up_to_date_model_list = external_code.get_models(update=update)
  30. logger.debug(up_to_date_model_list)
  31. return {"model_list": up_to_date_model_list}
  32. @app.get("/controlnet/module_list")
  33. async def module_list(alias_names: bool = False):
  34. _module_list = external_code.get_modules(alias_names)
  35. logger.debug(_module_list)
  36. return {
  37. "module_list": _module_list,
  38. "module_detail": external_code.get_modules_detail(alias_names)
  39. }
  40. @app.get("/controlnet/control_types")
  41. async def control_types():
  42. def format_control_type(
  43. filtered_preprocessor_list,
  44. filtered_model_list,
  45. default_option,
  46. default_model,
  47. ):
  48. return {
  49. "module_list": filtered_preprocessor_list,
  50. "model_list": filtered_model_list,
  51. "default_option": default_option,
  52. "default_model": default_model,
  53. }
  54. return {
  55. 'control_types': {
  56. control_type: format_control_type(*global_state.select_control_type(control_type))
  57. for control_type in preprocessor_filters.keys()
  58. }
  59. }
  60. @app.get("/controlnet/settings")
  61. async def settings():
  62. max_models_num = external_code.get_max_models_num()
  63. return {"control_net_max_models_num":max_models_num}
  64. cached_cn_preprocessors = global_state.cache_preprocessors(global_state.cn_preprocessor_modules)
  65. @app.post("/controlnet/detect")
  66. async def detect(
  67. controlnet_module: str = Body("none", title='Controlnet Module'),
  68. controlnet_input_images: List[str] = Body([], title='Controlnet Input Images'),
  69. controlnet_processor_res: int = Body(512, title='Controlnet Processor Resolution'),
  70. controlnet_threshold_a: float = Body(64, title='Controlnet Threshold a'),
  71. controlnet_threshold_b: float = Body(64, title='Controlnet Threshold b')
  72. ):
  73. controlnet_module = global_state.reverse_preprocessor_aliases.get(controlnet_module, controlnet_module)
  74. if controlnet_module not in cached_cn_preprocessors:
  75. raise HTTPException(
  76. status_code=422, detail="Module not available")
  77. if len(controlnet_input_images) == 0:
  78. raise HTTPException(
  79. status_code=422, detail="No image selected")
  80. logger.info(f"Detecting {str(len(controlnet_input_images))} images with the {controlnet_module} module.")
  81. results = []
  82. processor_module = cached_cn_preprocessors[controlnet_module]
  83. for input_image in controlnet_input_images:
  84. img = external_code.to_base64_nparray(input_image)
  85. results.append(processor_module(img, res=controlnet_processor_res, thr_a=controlnet_threshold_a, thr_b=controlnet_threshold_b)[0])
  86. global_state.cn_preprocessor_unloadable.get(controlnet_module, lambda: None)()
  87. results64 = list(map(encode_to_base64, results))
  88. return {"images": results64, "info": "Success"}
  89. try:
  90. import modules.script_callbacks as script_callbacks
  91. script_callbacks.on_app_started(controlnet_api)
  92. except:
  93. pass